Well I have been busy practically every weekend for the last few weeks in a row and it's really great for a change. I had the opportunity to work with makeup artist and model Natalie. These shots were taken at 45West which is the studio space that I have been using for the last few months. My goal for the next few weeks is to really put some hard effort into building a solid portfolio of work which will then go towards building of a website for Bernard Ng Photography.
Sometimes a simple prop like a smiley face balloon is all you need to add something special to a shot.
I met a very talented makeup artist by the name of Natalie who brought along a model friend of hers named Carlena to my photo shoot last Sunday. She really got into character as soon as all the makeup was on and within minutes we had some really fun shots with a lot of great expressions. I'll be working again with Natalie and Carlena in a few weeks on a much more elaborate look. Stay tuned. In the meantime here are some shots from our shoot.
This was a shoot I did this past weekend with Cody. We've worked together before so I knew we would get some good shots. For these I tried playing a bit with some color using gels on the flashes lighting the backgrounds. This first set I think turned out the best with the green. Not so sure I would use this for shooting a female model but with Cody it works. There is this really cool red brick wall in the studio so I tried using a red gel to further enhance it and make it look fiery. Purple shirt, purple background Yellow shirt, yellow background
Well I bet some of you may have wondered why I haven't posted anything in awhile. On December 26th of 2008 my camera decided to stop working and needed to be sent it for repairs. The camera was just several months over the warranty period so the repair was not free nor was it cheap. I was also told it would be about three to four weeks before I would get it back. So not to let this little setback deter me from my photography I continued to book sessions with models for shoots. I would borrow a camera from my fellow photographer friends. Unfortunately three of the models I booked during January ended up canceling on me at the very last minute. So if December and January were all snow and setback well then February is definitely the opposite. I had a great shoot yesterday with Cody a male model I have worked with before and I also have a shoot happening today with a makeup artist and her models. Pictures will be up shortly from both of these sessions so please come back and check it out. Let's hope snow storms and cancellations are a thing of the past.