The Vancouver Photo Marathon is one of the photo events that I have been looking forward to all year but was extremely nervous about whether I could participate in again. From last years sellout of 60 tickets in just about 10 minutes its pretty clear that this is a popular event. When the tickets went on sale this year I was actually in the middle of my first prenatal class and wouldn't be anywhere near a computer so I relied on my brother to get me a ticket. I was extremely lucky because the tickets sold out in under four minutes but he did manage to secure me a ticket. I found out on the day of this years event that I was number 30 and last year I was number 29!

Once again the rules were the same, 12 hours, 12 themes and 12 exposures. Except this year it would be all on b&w film and the location would be Gastown and our headquarters would be the aptly named Coffeebar where many people kept their energy fuelled by caffeine. I on the other hand after a thought crossed my mind about the heat of the day chose coconut water and bananas as my formula of hydration.

So onto the themes this year and I won't divulge what I actually shot as you'll have to wait for the 12x12 Raw Talent Exhibit this year on September 22nd at The Salt Building in the Olympic Village to see all of the contestants photos. Hey even I have to wait a month to see my photos and see how badly I screwed up so I don't want to spoil it for you here. The event is being crowd funded so your support is greatly appreciated.
1. The first theme over the years has always been your entry number but this year the twist was your entry number + color. Wait, aren't we shooting with b&w film?
This first theme was just a taste of the creatively challenging themes we had ahead of us. Each theme after that was met with everything from collective groans and laughter to what do you mean by that? or even a few wtf? when they were announced. See below for what I mean.
2. Through the looking glass
3. Nude
4. In 20 years
5. Old school
6. Three times
7. Top
8. Hide
9. Clever
10. Float
11. Background story
12. (D)evolved

I think everyone despite a long day and very tired feet had a blast. I for one certainly did. Thank you to all the organizers for a wonderful event! See you all on September 22nd.